List Of Reports

Here is brief description of all available & upcoming Reports in our AppExchange App. For more details, please reach out for Demo, we'll be glad to show you each Report in action & how to make use of these valuable insights.

Best Performing Date Report

Statistics of overall Scores changes of all of your Prospects over selected period of time, helping you identify which day/week/month you got better Scores increased and through which Asset/Campaign.

Total Scores vs Important Scores Report

We advance Pardot default scoring by one level. Here you need to 1st mention which of the Scoring Activity are more important and we give you separate total scores per prospect for those marked important.

Month-wise CTR (Click Through Rates)

Combining the Link Clicks performance across all List Sends, Engagement Journeys, Landing Pages Links, Custom Redirects and Website Links. Customizable for any date range.

Month-wise Open Rates

Combining the Opens/Visits performance across all List Sends, Engagement Journeys, Landing Pages, Custom Redirects and Website Links. Customizable for any date range.

Scoring Categories Wise Revenue Generated

Provided Sales Cloud is connected, through Opportunities Won, this report brings back analysis of Scoring Categories converted into successful wons and earned revenue.

Email Performance Report

Unlike the default Marketing Assets Lists Email report, it is not possible to see Email Sent report at various stages of Engagement Studio in scenarios when same email is sent at multiple steps. This report bifurcates performance report at each stage giving you more insights on how it worked at what step.

Lead Source Wise Reports

One of most useful and fundamental report - Find out how many Visitors and Prospects you have got from all unique incoming Sources. Example, Leads from Websites, Forms, Facebook, Twitter, Google, PPC Campaigns, etc.

Track Account Score Changes Graph

The way captivating Lifecycle Report exists for an individual Prospects, we've brought in the same functionality and Lifecycle Report for Accounts.

Track Social/PPC Footprints

Currently its quite difficult to find total no. of visitors and prospects you have got through your PPC campaigns, this reports brings all these records together and groups them as per tracked PPC Campaign fields.

Track Specific Webpages All Footprints

For all unique website links activities, this useful report gives you list of all Prospects and Visitors ever engaged on those links.

Unknown Visitor Advanced Report

Get more composite details about your Unknown Visitors.

Prospect Details Report

Pardot provides Lifecycle Report for each individual Prospect, here you'll be able to apply similar reporting for a group of Prospects as per your conditions.

Grouped Account Lifecycle Report

Pardot provides Lifecycle Report for each individual Prospect, here you'll be able to apply similar reporting for a group of Prospects as per your conditions

Segmentation Lists Performance Report

Since Segmentation Lists (not Campaigns) are primarily used for grouping Prospects, this interesting reports consolidates all performance of prospects and shows List-level report.

Known Visitor Advanced Report

Get more composite details about your Known Visitors.

Consolidated All Campaigns Performance

An advanced version of Campaigns Report and Dashboard including data from all features of Pardot being used in your instance. This report can be considered as Master Report covering entire database.

List Email Status Grouped By Campaigns

We use campaigns at a lot of places in Pardot. This report groups all List emails sent for a Campaign and shows total of Sent Count, Open, Clicked, Bounced, CTR, Opt Outs, etc.

Content Files Grouped By Prospect Count And Scores

This report would list down all Files you have uploaded in Pardot, how many Prospects have seen this File and what is the total score of Prospects together achieved.

Unsubscribed Prospects Report

List of all prospects who have unsubscribed and their last Score, can be filtered by Date Range to find out when did you loose most of the prospects interest. The reports also shows how many total emails were sent to the Prospect before the unsubscribe happened.

Unsubscribes by Email Template

Find out which were those unfortunate email templates which ended up in getting you maximum unsubscribes.

Email Preference Page Report

Pardot default doesnt give you a list of Prospects together who ever used the preference page, you need to check each Prospect individually if they did in Acitivities list. Our this report lists down all Prospects who did visit Preference Page and when.

Search Marketing Keywords Existence Report

Have you added search keywords in Pardot? If yes, we'll find out if your listed domain on Pardot is appearing on Top 20 results on search engines for those Keywords or not.

Segmentation Tags Performance Report

We'll list all the Tags created in your Pardot. How many prospects tagged by the Tag and order by Scores of the Prospect.

Prospect Scores Within Selected Date Range

Currently you can only see total score and category-wise Score of any Prospect. This report will let you select a date range, we'll re-calculate all the activities done by Prospects during this time period and show total Score, letting you drill down further into the Score achievements.

All Soft Bounced Prospects

List all prospects who had an recent soft bounce of sent email.

All Hard Bounced Prospects

List all prospects who had an recent hard bounce of sent email.

Total Score Breakdown Report

Consider your total score achieved in last 6 months across 200k prospects is 3434453 (just random example). We'll give you a breakdown of scores achieved by Email Opens, Page Views, Forms, Link Clicks, Files Access, Custom Redirects, Social Messages, Tracking Links, Manual Adjustment, etc.

Google Natural Search Report

Find out which are your top URLs that got good attention on Google, no. of page views received, score changes, etc. all filterable by Date Range.

Advanced Profile (Scoring by Grading) Report

For the different profile criteria you have created in your Pardot (e.g. Location, Job Title, Industry, Department, Company Size, etc), we'll group the counts of Prospects you have per criteria all together.

Assigned Users Report

If you are using Pardot and Sales Cloud CRM in all best practices model, assignment of User to each Prospect is of crucial step. This report would give you counts and bifurcation of Prospects assigned to all of your internal Users and their scores/categories/sources/status/etc.

Advanced Internal Audit Report

If you visit any Prospect "Audit" tab in Pardot, you'll see full log of updates happened by both manual or automated ways. We group all these updates (e.g. List Added, List Removed, Page Action, Prospect Default Field changed, Campaign changed, etc) by selected date range and show you total counts across all prospects. You can use this to measure what is happening internally in your Pardot and can take important action if certain things dont look right.

MQL to SQL Lifecycle Report

Configure your dynamic rules of how do you define Prospects are MQL (Marketing Qualified) & SQL (Sales Qualified) for you & this Report can realtime list you Prospects falling under both categories.

Top 5 Emails by Reach and Worst 5 Emails by Reach

Here we list your top 5 email templated & worst 5 templates by delivery rate, open rate, click through rate, etc.

Prospect counts by Email Domain

We Report on the list of prospects by general email domain (gmail, yahoo, etc) and corporate domain (eg,,

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